"We are successful only when we contribute to
the success of our customers."

LEUCO Australia has grown from progressive state based tooling companies who worked as agents for LEUCO. Initially Sydney Saw (New South Wales) became LEUCO Australia, then followed Acme Saw (South Australia), then Active Saw (Queensland) and finally Shoda Travers (Victoria).
LEUCO Australia has the best of both worlds. The background of the small regional business with the backing of the most progressive and influential tooling company in the world.
Data and Facts
LEUCO at a glance
1954 by Willi Ledermann and Josef Störzer
Market significance
LEUCO is one of the world´s largest suppliers of carbide and diamond-tipped machine tools for wood and plastic processing with approx. 1,200 employees on all 5 continents.
Business fields
LEUCO tools are used in the whole process chain of the woodworking and furniture industry, from the original material to the end product. LEUCO offers tools for the machining of solid wood, wood-based panels as well as materials consisting of a material mix or "non-wood" materials such as aluminum or metal.
Approx. 230 registered and approved trade mark rights
Companies abroad
20 daughter companies in 17 countries worldwide
Sales partners abroad
93 sales partners in 64 countries worldwide
- approx. 30% in Germany
- approx. 70% abroad
- DIN EN ISO 50001 (energy management) since 02/2016
- Certified "known sender" by the German Civil Aviation Authority (LBA) since 2012
- DIN EN ISO 9001 (quality management) since 1995
- "50 German Leaders" , Campaign from TBD Media Group, 09/2022
- „Unternehmer der Zukunft" , Deutschen Innovationsinstituts für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (DIND), 09/2022
- German Innovation Award 2019, Excellence in Business to Business (B2B), Machines & Engineering, for LEUCO AirStream-System, 05/2019
- German Brand Award 2018 “Industry Excellence in Branding” category – Machines & Engineering, 07/2018
- German Innovation Award 2018 ,Excellence in Business to Business (B2B), Machines & Engineering, for LEUCO p-System, 06/2018
- German Innovation Award 2018, Excellence in Business to Business (B2B), Machines & Engineering, for LEUCO nn-System, 06/2018
- German Brand Award 2017, “Industry Excellence in Branding” category – Machines & Engineering, 06/2017
- German Design Award, Special mention for jointing cutterhead "SmartJointer" , 02/2017
- German Brand Award 2016 “Industry Excellence in Branding” category – Machines & Engineering, 06/2016
- Nominated: "INKA"-Award 2016, category: online catalog/shop, 04/2016
- "1A Outstanding Training Organization" in the region of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Northern Black Forest since 2015
- Schweighofer Innovation Prize for LEUCO p-System, 07/2015
Customer magazine "LEUCOline"
LEUCO highlights at a glance
With the customer magazine "LEUCOline Highlights" you will receive a compact overview of our innovations about
- Tool innovations for sawing, throughfeed machining, CNC, solid wood and composites processing
- intelligent services such as serialization, resharpening
- the LEUCO company